So a little bit of whats happened might be in order!!!!
I got a BFN at 9 DPO, and was left with one IC test and First Responses. I really didn't want to use an FR's until I was at a remotely sane DPO. Not like the 7 dpo I had used the first one on
On the morning of 10DPO DP was restless and the dog wanted to play, and I was just buggered. It was frustrating the daylights out of me that everyone was awake at 6am on a Saturday morning. DP thought it was hysterical. But I was simply exhausted. I slept for another couple of hours thank god. So with FMU on 10 DPO I got up and tested with the IC. There was no real line to see. About an hour later I picked the test up and there was kind of a line. It was one of those lines that had to be on the right angle, in the right light, with the squinitng eyes. But I 'knew' it wasn't an evap. If I had given the test to DP (or any man for that matter) I can guarantee that they would not have seen a second line. I was quietly confident on the inside, but kept it to myself. During the day if I didn't eat when I thought about it, my tummy felt a little queasy. And I all I wanted was chilli sauce from Oporto's for lunch - that should have been a giveaway . I decided that from then I'd hold my pee for four hours and test again with a First Response. I managed to last about an hour and a half before I thought my bladder would explode. I almost didn't test but realised I had a spare for the next morning anyway. So at 4 in the afternoon of 10 DPO I POAS. And OMFG it was a . It was a faint line, but obvious, and no squinting required! I didn't tell DP. I wanted to get bloods done first. Actually I wanted to make sure that it wasn't in my ovary before I told him. He had massive issues when Dr repeatedly told us I could die from the Ovarian Ectopic.
11 DPO I POAS again with FMU, and got a darker positive, still faint, but darker then the afternoon before. I went to Dr's to get my antenatal panel and my B-HCG. With my history he gave me a repeat series for B-HCG, so I am actually going back tomorrow to see if they double.
2 hours after I got home I caved and told DP, so much for keeping it a secret til I knew it was in the right place He was exactly the same as me, a little excited, a lot nervous.
I did yet another HPT in the arvo and it was darker again. And hour after that I had some spotting. A little bit of brown and a little bit of red. I practically had a nervous breakdown. I cried for the excitement, the fear, the nervousness, the hope and every other emotion I'd have over all my pregnancies. The thought of this getting taken away before 4 weeks was so scary. But then there wasn't any more. And I thought perhaps it might be an implantation bleed. I had a MASSIVE temp dip at 9 DPO, so I'm hoping that implantation is the answer
I woke up on 12 DPO in asbolute fear of going to the bathroom and with a massive miagraine from my cryfest. I managed to hold it til 9am and went and POAS again. There was a little bit of brown in my CM but nothing that appeared fresh. HPT was darker again, and I resolved to spend the day in bed resting. Had another teeny tiny blob of pink in the early arvo, but now its back to being a bit creamy, with no real discolouration. I got my B-HCG results back and at 12pm on 11DPO they were 35. So blood test again in the morning and pray that the numbers have doubled.
I am so nervous, so terribly excited. I can't believe I'm pregnant again. Part of me thinks that surely its our turn to have a baby this time!! And then I thnk that there is still so much time for something to go wrong. I get a pain on my left side and I think oh no it's in my ovary again! I try and think positive that 'hey I've had an implant bleed' - never had one of those!!! So maybe this is a good thing.
It's hard, it's exciting, it's frightening and its emotionally draining, and I'm only 3 weeks and 5 days pregnant
Mini milestones. 4 weeks on Wednesday. Find out on Wednesday if BHCG has doubled. 5 or 6 weeks will find out if it's in the right spot!! I hope the OB says 6 weeks because if everything is ok, I'd like to be able to see the heartbeat
I'll ring the OB and the morning and I guess we go from there. Progesterone and Aspirin are definite possibilities too!
Thank you to those who have sent words of congratulations, support and encouragement. It really is so wonderful to have so much support, and I appreciate it so much. Especially because the only person who knows IRL is DP. Think sticky thoughts for us please!
P.S the lines on the test are much darker in real life!!!
i just came across your blog. I am in the exact same situation as you. I wanted to ask if your pregnancy lasted this time?
I just had a late term miscarriage on 3/31/2014... I was 5 months.
I just took a test at 9dpo and its positive!
im so nervous. Im going to the dr on friday, and will tell my husband on sunday/ fathers day!
I know yours was awhile ago and wanted to see if you could update!
Congratulations!!! The baby was this BFP post is an Incredibly kind, generous, sweet, and loving 3 year old little girl. I lost another baby after her, but we also have a 1 year old daughter too.
I wish you all the very best for your pregnancy. Good luck!!!
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