Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Toxoplasmosis, Cytomegalovirus, Glandular Fever.....

I guess I haven't really been forthcoming with information on being sick, having toxo, and just the past twelve months in general. So i figured I should get it all out there.

In March 2009 I had an Influenza vaccination.... I ended up with worst dose of the flu I've ever had. A week after I fnally got over it, the symptoms started again. I had a niggling tight feeling in my throat, and was anticipating the flu that was to follow. It didn't come. I went to the dentist to see if the burning taste in my throat was an infection in a tooth or something similar. When that turned up nothing, I went to the local Dr to see what he thought. I was originally diagnosed with Relux, and placed on a PP Inhibitor. This had no impact on the symptoms either. I went to see a different Dr and explained my sore throat - this time the Dr asked me 'if I was tired'. I bawled my eyes out and told him I was totally and utterly exhausted. I was so tired that I almost had a nervous breakdown at the thought of having to have a shower, and then drive for an hour to have dinner with friends. I broke down and sobbed hysterically. I started a fight with my partner and made him go without me. I explained that no matter how much I slept, I still felt exhausted. All I wanted to do was sleep. And that working 40 hours a week was the extent of my activities. The rest of the time I slept. I had ignored the tiredness until then as I just assumed it was because I had been emotinal around he time of my two due dates in the beginning of 09.

The Dr tested for a 'few different things' and I went about my sleeping, working, sleeping routine.

When I went to get my results the first question the Dr asked me was 'how many hours do you work'. I told him I work fulltime, so 40 hours work 8 hours travel, minimum, per week. He told me he had no idea how I managed to continue to function with what I had. (He scared the crap out of me). Turns out I had Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Glandular Fever (called mononucleosis in America), and Toxoplasmosis - all at once. One of these alone can create fatigue and general tiredness. But by having all three at once, the Dr was surprised I could manage to do anything at all. The symptoms are all very, very similar, hence the reason I was tested for all three. The Dr assumed I would have one of them, he never imagined I would have all 3.

Those who have been preganant or TTC will probably be aware that Toxo and preganancy don't mix .... Toxo can actually cause miscarriage. We wont even go into how many times my partner and I have discussed whether or not the Toxo caused maybe even 1 of my miscarriages. Toxo causes miscarriage and CMV causes birth defects and/or developmental issues. We had discussed taking TTC off the agenda for 2009, and these results forced our hand.

I spent the next 3 months being too exhausted to do anything other than work and sleep. I don't think we could have made a baby even if we were allowed, I was too tired to even think about sex. My wonderful partner did everything. He worked 70 - 80 hours a week and then he cooked and cleaned every single day. I concentrated on trying to get healthy, taking beneficial vitamins, and not collapsing in the shower.

One day in November, I wasn't so bone dead tired, and thought it must have all passed. The next round of blood tests showed that I was over the CMV, was over the Glandular Fever, but the Toxo was still active. I started to worry that TTC was off the cards for 2010 as well!

I had bloods taken on Saturday. And now I am literally sitting next to the phone waiting for it to ring to find out whether dp and I get to have the 'are we going to try to have a baby' discussion. Cross your fingers for me!!!!!