Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Life, Children, And recurrent Miscarriages AGAIN

It's been 5 years or so since I updated this.
I snuck away to a pregnancy blog to document the pregnancy of our first child.
After my miracle girl arrived we lost another pregnancy (assumed by OB as an ectopic, but unconfirmed).

Next time round we were successful and we had our second little girl 2 1/2 years after the first.

We held off trying for a third (my idea) because Little Miss 2.5yr old had a huge stage of being a cranky chicken. Once her terrible 2's stage backed off a bit I felt more ready mentally.

Of course, as usual, we fell pregnant straight away. It lasted 5 days. The next cycle was a BFN, but we had really bad timing over Xmas due to the chaotic hours we were working. Month 3 of trying and another BFP...... that lasted a few days. Month 4 and another BFP.  This time I was confident. it was 10DPO, the line was visible without having to squint. My husband could see it, no squinting involved - proof enough that it was a real line! It even photographed well (clearly important when analysing with the two closest friends about it). The line was still good that night. It looked about the same the next morning. It was fainter in the PM. The next day it was definitely lighter in the AM. It got lighter and eventually I got AF (super heavy) a few days late. So I'm now having recurrent early pregnancy loss around implantation. Because this journey can never freaking be easy for me.

Saw the OB on CD2 and put together an investigation plan. 
Once again we have had a heap of bloodwork. Tomorrow I am booked in for a scan to check out my ovaries and uterus. 
We are allowed to try naturally again this cycle while we are undergoing testing. OUr next OB appt isnt until the first week of April. 

Bloodwork was done late on CD 3 but really it was only 36 hours into the start of the cycle. (Late PM arrival, OBGYN next day, Bloods following morning).

My AMH is 6.7 pmol/L
this translates into .9 ng/ml

So clearly I am now of "advanced maternal age" - such a lovely phrase.

FSH - 5.4 IU/L - I believe this is normal

Prolactin - 74 mIU/L - this is low but I dont think that is an issue

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