Early this morning I gave birth to a golf ball sized clot. Give birth may be a tad drastic for those that have actually pushed an 8 pound child out of their va jay jay. But for me thats the biggest thing that has ever come through that canal.3 hours of cramps, walking, rocking, squatting, hot water bottles and a hot shower didn't do much to relieve the pain nor the pressure.But in the early hours of the morning, while straining over the toilet, it was finally here.I debated whether to post a birth announcement. Hell the time and effort put into it deserved some sort of acknowledgment But the relief was instantaneous and immense. I've had the day off work for two reasons:1. I've barely slept2. Dont think I could handle that happening at work!!!!So as each day passes, and I'm losing more and more, I feel slightly cleansed. And am hoping my uterus will soon be complete with its spin, wash, rinse cycle.I hope that I can post a BFP announcement at the end of August. If I cant, I am hoping that I can heal enough over the next few weeks so that I dont have another mini meltdown
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